Thursday, June 20, 2019

How to Add Items in NPC - MU Online

June 20, 2019
How to Add Items in NPC - MU Online
- Adding Items in your NPC

Good Day, This tutorial is all about Items in NPC
how to make add excellent or non excellent or some potions in NPC or Shop

Let's Start the Tutorial
Go to your MuServer Files and open the Shop folder
the dir for it is MuServer\Data\Shop
Choose 1 NPC shop which you wanted to edit

I choose 006 - Lumen the Barmaid to edit her Items
you will see this

You will see a code for Items
Section, Type, Level, Dur, Skill, Luck, Option and Excellent

In Section, it is the Section of items, which indicate what items it is like sample Swords, Axe, Helm, Boots, Pants and etc.

Type means the name of items, example Bone Blade

Level means the level of items from 0 to 15

Dur is the Durability or Number of items (in Potions, Jewels and other things that can compress)

Skill has only 2 option, 1 for Enable and 0 for Disable

Luck has only 2 option, 1 for Enable and 0 for Disable

Option means the Additional Damage or Additional Defense
the minimum is 1 and maximum is 7, 0 is for disable
Options list
0 = Disable
 1 = +4 Add dmg/def
2 = +8 Add dmg/def
3 = +12 Add dmg/def
4 = +16 Add dmg/def
5 = +20 Add dmg/def
6 = +24 Add dmg/def
7 = +28 Add dmg/def

Excellent, this setting can allow you to limit the Excellent option of an Items, the maximum option for excellent is 7, 0 is disable.

So you've got the idea of Data Entry in Shop, now to add items, you should check the Section and Type in Item.txt, you can check it on MuServer\Data\Item

Once you open it, you will the Data of all items in the whole Server, Section has no indication in game or a guide but I will show you where do you find it, in every Section, it will always on top or before the items data, you will see it like this

The Number 0 is the Section for Sword and under of it is the data of the items, you will see at the very 1st setting, it is the Item type, Lets have this items option code

On this Data Entry, it say 0 is for the Sword, 22 is Bone Blade, 0 is no level on items, 255 is the durability, 1 for the skill (Skill is enable), 0 (Luck is disable), Option is +8 Add DMG and 2 Random Excellent options

Now save the file and reload the Shop on your GameServer

You can watch this video


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