How to Add Monster Spot and NPC
- Adding Monster Spot and NPC on Selected Coordination and Maps
In this Tutorial, You will learn how to add Monster Spot and NPC on a different Maps that you want, Understanding MonsterSetBase, Monster, Map Codes are important in this Tutorial, you must know first the Map Code of a Map that you want to add Monster or NPC then get the Monster Index and get Coordination X and Y of a place where you want to add the monster
To find the MonsterSetBase and Monster, go to MuServer\Data\Monster
And you will see it, Edit it via Notepad but much better if you use NotePad++
Understanding MonsterSetBase
Under the SPOTS, you will see a data which state a setting of a monsterspot
1. Monster
2. MapNumber
3. Range
4. BeginPosX
5. BeginPosY
6. EndPosX
7. EndPosY
8. Direction
9. Quality
10. Comment
1. Monster - This is the Monster Code where you will find in Monster.txt at the same folder, the code of 003 indicates of Spider in Monster.txt
2. MapNumber - This is Map Code of the Map, 00 means Lorencia
Check the Map Code List on this Link
3. Range - This Setting indicate of the Moving Monster, in current setting, it set on Range 30 which the Monster Move in 30 Range of the Map, if you want to make it Non Movable, make it 0 so that Monster Stay on the Coordination that you input
4 - 5. BeginPosX and BeginPosY - This is the Coordination where your character located in a Map, this Coordination is Important if you are going to add monster or NPC in a Map, it is the location of the monster or NPC that you will going to add, you can see it in the upper left of the Game
6 - 7. BeginPosX and BeginPosY - Same thing on 4 and 5
8. Direction - The Direction is a Setting where the Monster or NPC are looking, this setting are mostly use for NPC Only while the Monster Direction Setting Default if -1
9. Quantity - Is the Number of a Monster in a Spot
10. Comment - The Name of Monster or NPC after the // , This is Optional, you can leave it blank if you are lazy.
Watch this Video Tutorial on How to add Monster Spot and NPC
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